This is our Story ⬇️
A trip to Australia changed everything.
My name is Sara Cruz, one of the founders of Nanue. Few years ago I decided to go to the other side of the world, never to return, and in order to that, like for any other trip, I packed a suitcase full of clothes and lots of "just in case". You never know what plan might come up.
3 moves and a thousand adventures later. I realised that I had packed the worst suitcase ever. A suitcase that weighed "200,000 kg" and that didn't allow me to move as much as I wanted to.
I would have given away everything I took with me to keep only the essentials: versatile, lightweight and resistant clothes. In short, those that would allow me to travel light and without giving up any plans.
In Australia, I also met my two great passions: surfing and yoga, which brought me back into contact with the world and nature, especially with water.
I knew that I didn't want to do it by my own, and one day while we were isolated, I spoke to a friend from college, who had specialised in fashion design. And she joined with no hesitation. She is Verónica Corujo, my partner in this crime.
The Perfect COMBO

She was the key for this whole project. Together we are the perfect COMBO.
Verónica is a fashion designer and a skilled seamstress with great passion for sports, a beginner in yoga (it couldn't be otherwise) and why not say it, a meme freak. All the memes on our instagram carry her signature.
I, Sara Cruz, still consider myself a yogi-surfer “in practice”. I am passionate about facing challenges and you could say that I'm very persistent (my friends can confirm this). I'm an industrial designer with a background in digital marketing.
That trip to Australia planted that little seed in me to create something related to answer this question: